How to guides for using the DATAFLOW Designer
- Create a new Solution in DATAFLOW Designer
- Add Software Elements to the DATAFLOW Diagram
- Create a clear Software-Architecture with DATAFLOW Designer
- Create new Data Types for Software Interfaces - Channels
- Define the Data Flow of your Application using Channels in the DATAFLOW Designer
- Define your Sub-System-Architecture - System Decomposition
- Design the System and System Context
- Design your System Architecture in DATAFLOW Designer
- Export Designed Models as Image in PNG Format
- Export Diagram Content to an Image (PNG Format)
- Generate IDE Projects from DATAFLOW Model
- Map Components to Solutions
- Synchronize Model Changes with existing Code
- Use Annotation Elements for Documentation, Tracing, Reviews, Rationales or Improvements
- Use Broadcast and Reporting Channels in Software Design
- Use I/O Buffers in Software Design
- Use Software Bus in Software Design
- Use the Integrated DATAFLOW Designer Document Export - V2.1
- Use the Protocol Editor to define and edit Protocols/Signals
- Work with Images in DATAFLOW Diagrams
- Work with Projects in a DATAFLOW Designer
- Work with Solutions in DATAFLOW Designer