Use Annotation Elements for Documentation, Tracing, Reviews, Rationales or Improvements
This Guide Article has been written for Version 2.1 of the DATAFLOW Software. For Previous Releases use the version selection in the navigation bar at the top of this page.
Annotation Elements
Annotations can be used for
- documentation purposes,
- improvement suggestions,
- rationals
- to-do tracing
- bug tracking
- reviews or
- improvement suggestions
Therefore the DATAFLOW Designer offers a set of different Annotation Types in the Toolbox.
Annotation Types
This annotation types can be dragged onto the diagram area.
Annotation List
To keep an overview about all the annotations used in the project an Annotation List is provided. The Annotation List contains all annotations made in this project. The header section of the Annotation List displays the count of all annotation types. Clicking onto a specific annotation count shows/hides all annotations of this type.
The Annotation List can be sorted by the different columns by clicking onto the column caption.
Converting Annotations
Annotations can be converted to other annotation types or box and text elements.
To convert an annotation, right click an annotation item in the diagram window. Choose convert and select a annotation type from the context menu.
Required Module: DATAFLOW Designer
This Article has been written based on V2.1.1 of the DATAFLOW software.
Latest update 2023-05-31 by WUM.
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