Use the Integrated DATAFLOW Designer Document Export - V2.1
This Guide Article has been written for Version 2.1 of the DATAFLOW Software. For Previous Releases use the version selection in the navigation bar at the top of this page.
Document Generation
The complete System- and Software Architecture of a Project or a Solution can be exported for documentation purposes to a PDF file. The generated document contains:
- Table of Contents
- Page for each Component
- Detailed Page for each Component
The document generation can be triggered from the Ribbon menu “Export > Document >" Project or Solution. The page format, logo and things like the page header and footer settings can be adjusted in the document export settings dialog that is described below and also called from the Ribbon menu Export.
Document Export Settings
DATAFLOW Designer Document Export Settings
The document setup dialog can be called from the Ribbon menu “Home > Export > Settings” and contains the following settings options.
The page orientation and the page size can be adjusted to the required needs.
- Landscape (default)
- Portrait
- A4
- A3
- Letter
The page margins are defined in mm and can be set for odd and even pages. By default, even pages will be set to the same value as the corresponding odd margin value. By checking the “Enable different margins for even pages,” the margins for the even pages can be set independently of those for the odd pages, and different values can be assigned.
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents can be included in or excluded from the exported document.
A logo can be set up by selecting an image using the Windows file selection dialog. The supported formats are:
The logo location will always be in the header section of the report. It can be defined whether the logo should be aligned to the left/right/center. The location used for this setting will not be available for any other header information setup.
The left/right/center header and footer sections can be set up using the template editor by pressing the “…” button.
Template Editor
The template editor is a simple text editor with predefined variables that can be used in the header/footer section. Double-click the variable on the right-hand side to insert the variable in the text description.
Required Module: DATAFLOW Document
This Article has been written based on V2.1.1 of the DATAFLOW software.
Latest update 2023-06-01 by WUM.
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