User Interface Elements (DATAFLOW Designer)
This Guide Article has been written for Version 2.1 of the DATAFLOW Software. For Previous Releases use the version selection in the navigation bar at the top of this page.
Basic User Interface
When the DATAFLOW Designer is started, a splash screen is displayed that allows the user to check if the correct version of the software has been started. Afterwards, a startup screen is displayed.
DATAFLOW Designer Splash Screen
Home Screen
This screen allows the user to create a new project or to open an existing one. When a project is created or opened, the main window is displayed.
DATAFLOW Designer Home Screen
Main Window
Main Window Areas
The main window of the DATAFLOW Designer contains the following areas:
- Title Bar
- Quick Access Toolbar
- Ribbons
- Dockable Windows
- Status Bar
Title Bar
Title Bar
The title bar displays the name of the currently opened project and can be used to move the program around on the Windows desktop.
Quick Access Toolbar
Quick Access Toolbar
This small toolbar can either be placed inside the title bar or below the ribbons. It contains the following buttons:
- Save Project
- Undo Action
- Redo Action
Home Ribbon
The ribbons contain buttons to execute various functions within the software. The buttons are disabled if the function cannot be used in the current context (active window and selected element). Hints with a short description of the button functionality and keyboard shortcut info (if available) are displayed for each Ribbon element when the user hovers with the mouse cursor.
The following ribbons are displayed:
- File
- Home
- Export
- Format
- Layout
- View
In the upper left corner of the ribbon area, the currently signed in user is displayed. Clicking on the username opens the account settings dialog.
File Ribbon
File Ribbon
The file ribbon displays a view of the whole area of the main window. In this view, the user can:
Group: Solution
New |
Create a new Solution |
Open |
Open an Existing Solution |
Info |
Display Info on the current Solution. |
Save |
Save the open Solution. |
Save As |
Save the open Solution to a new location. |
Close |
Close the current Solution. |
About |
Display information About the software (such as the current version number and used open source licenses). This information is important for bug and issue reports, and therefore it can be selected and copied to the clipboard. |
Options |
Open the Application Options that are independent of the opened Solution. |
Help |
Open the Help dialog to access the online user manual |
Exit |
Exit the DATAFLOW Designer application. |
Home Ribbon
Home Ribbon
The home ribbon provides the basic edit functionality and other often-used buttons and is displayed as the default ribbon when a project is opened.
The following actions can be performed:
Group: General
Save |
Save the current solution. |
Undo |
Undo the last action. |
Redo |
Redo the action that has been undone last. |
Settings |
The DATAFLOW server, which can be changed |
Group: Clipboard
Paste |
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current editor. |
Cut |
Cut the selected elements from the current editor and place them in the clipboard. |
Copy |
Copy the selected elements from the current editor and place them in the clipboard. |
Delete |
Delete the selected elements from the current editor. |
Group: Editing
Find |
Find a search string in the whole project. |
Select > |
Press Select open the drop down menu. |
Select all |
Select All elements in the active editor. |
Clear Selection |
Clear Selection in the active editor. |
Group: Generate Code
Generate Code |
Press Generate Code to generate application code from the open project. |
Open Folder |
Open the Folder where the generated code is located. |
Clear Selection |
Clear Selection in the active editor. |
Group: Build Configuration
Define |
Define a Build Configuration (Define Target Plattform, Language Coding Style, ...) for the selected System or Active Container item. |
Edit |
Edit the existing Build configuration. |
Clear |
Clear the Build configuration. |
Import |
Import a Build Configuration. |
Export |
Export a Build Configuration. |
Group: Toolchain
Define |
Define a Toolchain (IAR, VS, GNU, ...) for the system. |
Edit |
Edit the existing Toolchain configuration. |
Clear All |
Clear all Toolchains assigned to the selected item. |
Format Ribbon
Format Ribbon
This ribbon contains formatting tools for text and graphical elements.
For the text element, the following formatting is supported:
Group: Font
Bold |
Change format of the selected Text to Bold. |
Italic |
Change format of the selected Text to Italic. |
Underline |
Change format of the selected Text to Underline. |
Strikethrough |
Change format of the selected Text to Stirkethrough. |
Horizontal Line |
Create a line break and add a horizontal line. |
Group: Paragraph
Left Align |
Change the alignment of the text to Left Align |
Right Align |
Change the alignment of the text to Left Align |
Center Align |
Change the alignment of the text to Align Center |
Bullet List |
Format the selected text as Bullet List. |
Numbered List |
Format the selected text as Numbered List. |
Group: Images
Define |
Define a Toolchain (IAR, VS, GNU, ...) for the system. |
Edit |
Edit the existing Toolchain configuration. |
Clear All |
Clear all Toolchains assigned to the selected item. |
For graphical elements, the following formatting is supported:
Group: Colors
Line |
Change the Line color. (Hardware Channel and Box Object) |
Background |
Change the Background color of Box and Text items. (Box Object) |
Text |
Change the Text color. (Text Object and Box Object) |
Group: Lines
Witdth |
Change the Line width. (Hardware Channel and Box Object) |
Arrows |
Change the Arrow style. (Hardware Channel) |
Style |
Change the Line style. (Hardware Channel and Box Object) |
The Clear Format button makes it possible to clear all formatting from the selected text.
Only text objects support text formatting. Box objects also display text,
but it cannot be formatted except for the text color.
With the ‘Change Image’ button, the image of the selected image object can be changed. A file dialog will appear to select the new image for the image object.
Images can be added to the diagram by dragging the PNG or JPG file directly onto
the diagram as well.
Layout Ribbon
Layout Ribbon
This ribbon provides functions to lay out elements in a diagram:
Group: Arrange
Align |
Open the Align drop down menu |
Left Align |
Change the alignment of the text to Left Align |
Right Align |
Change the alignment of the text to Left Align |
Center Align |
Change the alignment of the text to Align Center |
Bottom Align |
Format the selected text as Bullet List. |
Distribute |
Open the Distribute drop down menu |
Distribute Horizontal |
Space selected elements evenly either along the horizontal axes |
Distribute Vertical |
Space selected elements evenly either along the vertical axes |
Bring to Front |
Open the Bring to Front drop down menu. |
Bring Forward |
Bring the selected item forward. |
Bring to Front |
Bring the selected item to the front. |
Send to Back |
Open the Bring to Front drop down menu. |
Send Back |
Bring the selected item forward. |
Send to Back |
Bring the selected item to the front. |
View Ribbon
View Ribbon
The ‘View Ribbon’ contains all functions that change the view of the current editor without changing the model:
Group: Grid
Show Grid |
Toggle Show Grid in all editors. |
Snap to Grid |
Toggle Snap elements to grid in all editors. |
Snap to Elements |
Toggle Snap elements to other elements in all editors. |
Group: Zoom
Zoom |
Change the Zoom level. |
Fit to Window |
Fit all diagram content to the diagram editor window. |
Group: Window
Explorer |
Show/hide the Explorer window. |
Property Inspector |
Show/hide the Property Inspector window. |
Toolbox |
Show/hide the Toolbox window. |
Message List |
Show/hide the Message list window. |
Find |
Show/hide the Seach window. |
Annotation List |
Show/hide the Annotation items list window. |
Reset Layout |
Reset the default layout settings. |
Options |
Open the Application Options Dialog. |
Context Menu
Context Menu
When you right-click on an item or window, a context menu is displayed that allows you to execute actions related to the selected item or window. The context menu will always display the type of the selected item in the title bar followed by the supported actions for the selected item.
Required Module: DATAFLOW Designer
This Article has been written based on V2.1.1 of the DATAFLOW software.
Latest update 2023-05-31 by WUM.
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