Account Configuration Page (DATAFLOW Designer)
The License check has been removed from all major DATAFLOW Software Releases (V2.1.3, V2.0.5, V1.6.2). Therfore, the information on this page is no longer relevant.
This Page was part of the Application Options dialog.
Page Description
The Account Page shows information on the signed in user and allows to sign out and change the password.
Page Actions
This will show a dialog to change the DATAFLOW Account password for the current user. | |
This will show a dialog to sign out the current user. This will force a restart of DATAFLOW Designer. Make sure all data is saved. |
Page Groups
This page contains the following groups:
- DATAFLOW Account
DATAFLOW Account Group
API Endpoint URL |
Contains the URL of the API Endpoint used to sign in and retrieve DATAFLOW licenses. This option is read only for all DATAFLOW Server settings except for 'Custom'. Do not change this if not told to do so by IMT AG. |
This field shows the E-Mail address of the signed in user according to the DATAFLOW Account used. This is read only and can only be changed by IMT AG. | |
Firstname | This field shows the first name of the signed in user according to the DATAFLOW Account used. This is read only and can only be changed by IMT AG. |
Lastname | This field shows the last name of the signed in user according to the DATAFLOW Account used. This is read only and can only be changed by IMT AG. |
Required Module: DATAFLOW Designer
This Article has been written based on V2.1.3 of the DATAFLOW software.
Latest update 2023-09-12 by WUE.
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